Sustained silent reading (
SSR) is a form of school-based recreational reading, or
free voluntary reading,
where students read silently in a designated time period every day in
school. An underlying assumption of SSR is that students learn to read
by reading constantly. Successful models of SSR typically allow students
to select their own books and require neither testing for comprehension
nor book reports. Schools have implemented SSR under a variety of
names, such as "Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)" or "Free Uninterrupted
Reading (FUR)".
Value of Sustained silent reading
Advocates' perspective
According to advocates, such as
Stephen Krashen, SSR has been shown to lead to gains in several literacy domains, including comprehension, spelling and increased vocabulary.
Advocates also point out that students in SSR programs have more
positive attitudes toward reading than students who do not participate
in SSR programs.
National Reading Panel analysis of sustained silent reading studies
National Reading Panel
(NRP) in the United States meta-analyzed all quasi-experimental and
experimental studies of SSR and challenged the claim that SSR has
positive effects. The panel stated that the literature contained
insufficient numbers of quasi-experimental or experimental studies on
SSR to validate its use as a sound educational practice. The panel also
noted that the absence of quantitative evidence was not evidence against
the practice in itself. They recommended further study of SSR.
Sustained silent reading practices
A range of practices have been associated with SSR, and some
advocates suggest that teacher models of reading behavior (i.e.,
teachers read while the students read), a long term commitment to SSR,
availability of multiple level, high interest texts, and a sense of
reading community are particularly relevant.
Free voluntary reading (FVR)
Free voluntary reading (
FVR) or
recreation reading, related to the
comprehension hypothesis,
is an educational theory that says many student gains in reading can be
encouraged by giving them time to read what they want without too many
evaluative measures. Sustained silent reading is a method of
implementing recreational and FVR theory.
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